Calamitous Ember Manga
Bounty Hunters. Space Pirates. War and death. Self discovery. The center of it all? Ellious, a young space pirate, who's full of adventure and rebellious spirit!
"This story. It is good." - A paid Fiverr review.
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Posters coming soon
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Want to carry the characters with you everywhere you go? Look no further cause here are some keychains to do just that!

Hi! My name is Ellious and I'm the ravaging and atrocious second mate to my Captain, Captain Oasis! Heard of him? He's only the richest and bravest pirate in the Centrica stars!

Hello, lad! I'm Captain Oasis and I run the ship "Belle's Fortune" where I'm gifted with the sight of credits ahead. MY RIGHT EYE CAN SEE IT, NOW FOLLOW IT'S SCENT! Wait...where in Whoul's moon is Ellious?!

The name's Lieutenant Arro. I head the field research department in charge of finding answers to the mysterious Tactus Mortis bombings. They plague the nation without warning from our ruthless enemy Vaticus Dominion. Nothing will stop me from getting the answers needed to stop them. Will you join me?

Constable Kuro reporting for the letter you sent in the drop. Tell me the color and my Constable Force will see it done.

Hmph? Yeah I worked for Centrica's military police force my whole life, but this war's corrupted Centrica and what it once stood for. It's now my dream to see a Centrica warship explode in battle. HA that'll be the day. Now move, Kuro needs me and you're in my way.

WHAT DO YOU WANT?! **HICCUP** I've got to fly wherever crazy place Kuro has us going to! Go fly here, Ki'Jo! Every asteroid that hits us comes off your cut, Ki'Jo! Gotta love our **burp** Constable leader, Kuro! Oh what I wouldn't **hiccup** do for more Toasted Whipil Vodka right now...

Oh...hello, I didn't see you there. I'm Louis or as Jack calls me "Dammit Louis". Sorry I can't talk now I need to find the water leak Kuro told me about...or was it an electrical issue? No, no, it was our oxygen's faulty system in the ship! I think...Perhaps I'll get to it after I update Alesia's software...